Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Honey I'm Home

We made it home from our first Tour de Crop bus tour. I took a passenger van full of 14 ladies to Pages from the Heart in Monrovia, and Scraparazzi in Whittier on Saturday, March 1. I had a great time hanging out with some of my dear customers. We played games on the bus, laughed, made make-n-takes, had lunch and did some major shopping at these lovely stores. I was the bus driver and Leslie, one of our designers, was the tour guide. She was a trooper, she actually sat on a stool facing the ladies to play the games...she was fighting car sickness but fought through it without incident. Yeah! because I am a sympathetic throw upper...it could have been ugly. I want to thank the girls who stayed at the store to make sure all of our guests felt welcome and unfortunately had to trouble shoot the problem of a backed up toilet. Why does that always seem to happen when you have company? I am blessed to have such a great support group of close friends and customers that volunteer to help whenever they can. Debbie, Lindsey, Heidi and Lynette you are appreciated!!! I want to thank Bill the plumber too...your gift of unclogging things was definitely priceless! Looking forward to our next tour in October...


shellybean said...

Yeah, you are a blogger! I am so proud of you.....Love ya much, your bff!

The Duncan Proect said...
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The Duncan Proect said...

Love to see the posts. You are ready for the next lesson on photos.
If Tuesdays work for you I can easily adjust.
Call me and maybe we can get together for Tuesday the 11th.